Complete this form to request information about zoning and building compliance for a property within the municipality of the City of Kenora.
Not all property in the District of Kenora is within the City of Kenora. It is your responsibility to confirm that the subject property is within the City of Kenora boundary before submitting this request. Refunds will not be processed.
The Planning Division reviews the application based on the property information provided within this application to identify the zoning designation and permitted uses outlined in the City of Kenora Zoning By-law.
The request may take up to five business days to be processed.
There is a $150 fee for processing this request.
You will be contacted by the Planning Division when the Letter of Zoning and Building Compliance is ready.
The Letter may include:
Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif
Various planning or municipal approvals, such as building permits, business licences or site plan control, may be required to change from one permitted use to another.
Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Act, and will be used for the purpose of processing and approval of this application and associated applications. Questions about this collection should be directed to: The Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator, City of Kenora, 1 Main Street South, Kenora, ON P9N 3X7, 807-467-2295.
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